Localización simple de servicios deseados y no deseados en redes con múltiples criterios (Desirable and undesirable single facility location on networks with multiple criteria)

Published in Ph.D. Dissertation, 2003

Recommended citation: Colebrook M. "Localización simple de servicios deseados y no deseados en redes con múltiples criterios (Desirable and undesirable single facility location on networks with multiple criteria)". Ph.D. Dissertation with European Doctorate Mention, supervised by Dr. J. Sicilia. Edited by the Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de La Laguna, ISBN: 84-688-5038-1 (2003) https://riull.ull.es/xmlui/bitstream/handle/915/12140/cp160.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y


Several models on desirable and undesirable single facility location on networks with multiple criteria have been analyzed and developed in this thesis. Likewise, we have also proposed some improvements on undesirable facility location models on single criterion networks.